We have some special clergy news to share with you today, news which is both happy and sad for us all. After nine years here in the Team, our much loved and very capable Team Vicar, Rev’d Jennifer has been called to a new ministry in the Church of England.
We are pleased and proud to tell you that Rev’d Jennifer Totney has recently been appointed Director of Contextual Training at Westcott House Theological College in Cambridge from September 2021. It is the College where she trained as a priest and now, in her new role, she will be responsible for providing a range of ministry placements for those in training and enabling them to make connections between their studies, ministry and faith. This role brings together Jennifer’s experience of parish ministry in the Vale of Pewsey with her diocesan work in theological education and training.
Jennifer will mark her last Sunday in the Team on 18th July.
Jennifer, Chris and Rosie are very grateful for all that they have received and shared during their time in the Vale of Pewsey Team and, though sad to leave Wiltshire, are looking forward to this exciting next step.
We ask you to keep Jennifer in your prayers, together with Chris and Rosie as they prepare to move on this summer.
With our prayers and best wishes
Deb Larkey and the Clergy team
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