“We are the body of Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptised into one body. Let us pursue all that makes for peace and builds up our common life”
1. Pray every day. Consider joining the daily deanery compline and weekly Wednesday morning prayer. Pray for each other. Pray for any frontline NHS workers you know, and let them know you are praying for them.
2. Read the Bible every day. Look out for the Pewsey Deanery Prayers in Lent when we will be reading John’s gospel together.
3. Join our zoom worship on a Sunday.
4. Ring a friend to check how they’re doing. Don’t forget members of your own congregation. Offer your skills (sewing, art, woodwork, music etc) to people now or as a gift to a lonely neighbour
5. Think how you might donate, perhaps to the PCCA or St Timothy Foundation. Remember your PCC still has bills to pay. Think about joining the Parish Giving Scheme
6. Look ahead to when this is all over… Begin to plan those summer and other events we have all missed.
7. Prayerfully try to discern how your church might be different. What are your gifts and how might they be used for the Kingdom in the next few years, for the glory of God and the welcoming of all.
8. While on a walk perhaps listen to music or a good talk. Gather a group of friends over zoom to do a course such as the Prayer or Bible course, form a book club, or listen to a talk together. Your clergy can advise.
9. Noticing the changing seasons and giving thanks for the wonder of creation, think about the environment in all we do, embedding it in our prayer, bible reading, worship, use of money and giving, our church and home life, honouring our sacred vocation as stewards.
10. See Christ in everyone we meet or talk to, however frustrated or anxious we might be, with small things like being positive on line and on the phone, or thanking delivery drivers.
And in all we do, seek signs of God’s Kingdom, giving thanks for his presence among and within us, upholding and sustaining us in everything.
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